data_processor module

class data_processor.MessageParser(data)

Bases: object

For memory saving, Protobuf3 defines that one field is inplicit (won’t be displayed, saved or serialized) when its value is set to default 0.

Therefore a related change was made in that every single value of messages is incremented by 1 additionaly, except for msgType and prfType.

currentAttributeMsg(value, idx, flag=1)

Pack messages of CurrentAttribute type

metaDataMsg(value, idx, flag=0)

Pack messages of MetaData type

positionMsg(value, idx, flag=0)

Pack messages of Position type

profLongMsg(value, idx, flag=1, prfType=None)

Pack messages of ProfileLong type

profShortMsg(value, idx, flag=1, prfType=None)

Pack messages of ProfileShort type

segmentMsg(value, idx, flag=0)

Pack messages of Segment type

stubMsg(value, idx, flag=0)

Pack messages of Stub type


Batch processing messages

This function calls the processing() function to process message in batches.

One can simply add processing() to th end of the function to process newcome messages.

data_processor.data_parsing(Msg, value, num, flag, msgType, prfType=None)

Based on the input parameters, the corresponding function is called.

  • Msg – A instance of MessageParser class

  • value – The value of message of a specific msgType

  • num – The length of value

  • msgType – The type of message

  • prfType – The type of profile


ValueError – In case msgType is None


Dump all .pickle files in outputDir into outputFile. And the messages is ordered by time.

Note: only .pickle files of message you want to dump are allowed to be under outputDir directory, otherwise, an exception will be thrown.


AttributeError – In case some unexpected files or directories are under unputDir directory


Get arguments from terminal

  • inputfile – The path of raw data file (.mat file)

  • messageType – adasis_v2 message type, for example, Position

  • profileType – adasis_v2 profile type, for example, Longitude

  • outputName – The prefix of output filename you want to define

  • outputType – The extention type of output filename, e.g., .pickle

  • verbose – If you want to increase output verbosity, set it to True


All arguments you get from terminal

data_processor.get_keys_and_values(data, msgType, prfType=None)

Return flag, keys of message, value of message corresponding to each key.

  • msgType – Type of message, int or str

  • prfType – Type of profile, int or str

  • flag – Denotes if Dict matData has the value of key msgType of specific message(e.g. STUB). If not, flag = 0 otherwise flag = 1(default)


A tuple contains flag defined in get_keys_and_values(), msgKeys which is a list of keys of message that is type specified and value get from data through msgKeys


ValueError – In case msgType is None


To get arguments from terminal

Call processing() function to get arguments from terminal and process messages of A specific msgType.

  • Segment message:

$ python  SEGMENT Segment  --outputType pickle  --verbose
  • ProfileLong_NaviPredicted message:

$ python  PROFILE_LONG  --profileType NaviPredicted  ProfileLong_NaviPredicted  --outputType bin  --verbose

To process in batches

If batch processing the messages is needed, comment out the processing() function and uncomment the function batch_processing() below.

To sort message

Call dump_all_msg() to merge all messages into a .pickle or .bin file, and order them by time.

To parse message

If you want to parse messages from .pickle or .bin file, parse_from_file() is a go-to method you can call.


Message Parser

  • .pickle and .bin file are supported.


fname – The path of file


A <class adasis_v2_protocol_pb2.Message> type object


>>> msg = parse_from_file('./data/pickle/bin/CuA_Segment.bin')
>>> msg
message {
    Header {
        time: 738724.4364457406
        msgType: SEGMENT
    Segment {
        functionalRoadClass: 2

data_processor.print_log(inputfile, msgType, prfType, outputName, outputType)

Displays log messages

If verbose=True, this function will be called and log information will be displayed, else stay silent.


Checks if fname path exist and if this file is empty, if both are True, returns SUCCEED, else returns ERROR.

data_processor.processing(inputfile, msgType, prfType=None, outputName='UNKNOWN_MESSAGE', outputType='pickle', verbose=False)

The core of message processor

  • inputfile – File path of raw data (.mat file)

  • msgType – Type of message, int or str

  • prfType – Type of profile, int or str

  • outputName – The prefix of the name of output file

  • outputType – The suffix of the name of output file (extention of file) pickle and bin are available by now.


>>> processing(msgType='POSITION', outputName='Position')
>>> processing(msgType='PROFILE_LONG', prfType='ExtendedLane', outputName='ProfileLong_ExtendedLane')